University of Iowa
Spring 2023
- CS:4440 - Web Mining
- CSED:4112 - How to Interview to Get That Job!
- CSI:1420 - Life Design II: A Better World
- ECE:5830 - Software Engineering Project
- CCP:3104 - Defining Your Career Path
Fall 2022
- CS:5800 - Fundamentals of Software Engineering
- CS:5820 - Software Engineering Languages and Tools
- CSI:1213 - Special Topics I (Digital and Social Media for Personal Success)
- CSI:1410 - Life Design
- CS:4400 - Database Systems
- PHIL:1034 - Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
Summer 2022
Spring 2022
- BAIS:1500 - Business Computing Essentials
- CS:3980 - Topics in Computer Science I (Cloud Application Programming)
- CS:3640 - Intro to Networks and Their Applications
- HIST:1016 - The History That Made Our World (The Metropolis and Modern Life)
- CS:4330 - Theory of Computation
- WRIT:1600 - Fast Fixes: Improved Writing in 6 Weeks (Hard Habits to Break: Fixing Grammatical Mistakes)
Fall 2021
- CCP:3106 - Career Computing Skills
- CINE:1100 - The Art of Smartphone Filmmaking
- CS:3330 - Algorithms
- CS:3820 - Programming Language Concepts
- EES:1050 - Introduction to Geology
Spring 2021
- POLI:1601 - Introduction to Social Media & Politics
- CS:2820 - Object-Oriented Software Development
- CS:2630 - Computer Organization
- STAT:2020 - Probability & Stats for Engr & Phys Sci
- CCP:3203 - Investment Wise: Personal Investment
Fall 2020
- CS:2230 - Computer Science II: Data Structures
- ECON:1100 - Principles of Microeconomics
- MATH:2700 - Introduction to Linear Algebra
- EES:1080 - Introduction to Environmental Science
- CCP:3107 - Social Media for Your Job Search
Spring 2020
- JMC:1500 - Social Media Today
- ENGL:1200 - The Interpretation of Literature
- CS:2210 - Discrete Structures
- MATH:1860 - Calculus II
- CCP:3103 - MoneyWise (Being Smart with Your Money)
Fall 2019
- MATH:1000 - First-Year Seminar (Games of Math: Cryptography)
- RHET:1030 - Rhetoric
- CS:1210 - Computer Science I: Fundamentals
- MATH:1550 - Engineer Math I Single Variable Calculus
- RHET:1010 - Writing for Academic Success
- CSI:1600 - Success at Iowa
Plainfield North High School
- Intro to Programming (Fall 2015)
- Intro to Java Honors (Spring 2016)